Články, Novinky, Zaujímavosti

Ukrainians are making fur coats out of hemp, experts are thrilled


Ukrainians are making fur coats out of hemp that could shake up the entire fashion industry. The hemp BIO fur coat and fur from the design company DevoHome has several advantages at once, because it is not made of animal or artificial material. The fabric is woven from hemp fibres and viscose with a cotton base, the hemp plants used are in turn grown organically without pesticides and herbicides. Ukrainian fur coats therefore have no small ambition to eliminate two major problems that have been associated with both animal and synthetic alternatives since time immemorial.

"Thewhole world is protesting against animal fur, and has already started protesting against synthetic fur, which is made from chemical and petroleum products. By creating a plant-based fur, we are solving all these problems with animal and synthetic fur."fashion designer Halyna Zeldych

Fashion designer Halyna Zeldych told EUROnews that it is much easier to work with hemp fibre than with synthetic fibre. This means, in other words, that the production process is not as complex as that of a faux fur coat. This is also thanks to the great properties of hemp material, which do not cause allergic reactions. However, besides the simpler work, it is also worth mentioning that the fibers contained in Ukrainian fur coats are hollow, so they can retain heat very efficiently.

"It's different from synthetic fur, it's very simple, it's only plant-based, it's biodegradable. The basis of this latest fur is also cotton. You can bury it under the ground and it completely biodegrades."fashion designer Halyna Zeldych

Ukrainians make fur coats from hemp

The special hemp material, from which DevoHome produces Ukrainian fur coats and furs, premiered during last year's event called Ukrainian Fashion Week, where it attracted a lot of attention from fashion industry professionals. The reason why Ukrainians in particular are making fur coats from hemp lies in their local culture, as up to 58% of Ukrainians are in favour of banning the controversial animal fur coats. A local non-profit organisation is trying to do something similar UAnimalswhich also supports the production of hemp fur coats.

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