Vaporizéry na vapovanie CBD konope. Nakupujte kvalitný vreckový vaporizér za super cenu. Predávame DaVinci, Puffco, PAX a veľa ďalších známych značiek. Vysoká kvalita, jedinečná vaporizácia CBD.

What is a vaporizer?

It is a special electronic device with its own battery, which is designed to consume various inputs. Simply insert the input material, such as cannabis dry matter, and the vaporizer turns it into vapour. The advantage is therefore that the user of the vaporizer does not inhale smoke with tar, but only cannabis vapour with active substances.

How does a vaporizer work?

Electrical devices work on the principle of heating the input material. If we were talking about dry matter, there are convection and conduction vaporizers. In the first case, we are talking about heating of the input dry matter by means of warm air, while in the second case the material is heated by means of the hot walls of the inlet chamber.

Types of vaporizers

Medzi základné druhy patria vreckové a stolné vaporizéry. Rovnako sa ale delia podľa toho, na čo sú určené. Existujú totiž elektrické zariadenia na liquid, sušinu, bylinky alebo na koncentráty. Niektoré teda spracúvajú tekutú náplň, iné zase konopné CBD kvety alebo konopný extrakt.

Types of vaporizers

As far as types are concerned, there are both convection vaporizers and dry herb or herb vaporizers. So what is the difference between them? In the first case, we are talking about heating the input material through warm air. In the second case, for a change, we are talking about heating the material through the warm walls of the heating chamber.