Články, Zaujímavosti

What is HYDRO? Hydroponics and hydroponic growing


What is HYDRO? It is a word that refers to a specific way of growing plants, such as cannabis (or even marijuana). Hydro is basically an abbreviation for the word Hydroponicswhich represents the so-called hydroponic cultivation in a confined space (called INDOOR), where no ordinary soil is used, but a special liquid solution. This liquid contains huge quantities of various nutrients which make the plants grow so well that they grow to superlative proportions. However, the disadvantage of this cultivation is that hemp or any other type of plant may be more susceptible to disease.

What is HYDRO? Hydroponics and its importance

The word hydroponics can be replaced by the word hydro. It is basically the same. But what is it? What is the meaning of hydroponics? It refers to a method of growing plants such as cannabis (marijuana) where the grower does not use soil , but a liquid with the necessary nutrition, which is simply soaked in with the roots. Nature takes care of the rest. The advantage of this cultivation is that beautiful, large and abundant plants almost always grow. Simply put, a grower who uses hyroponic growing can expect a bumper harvest.

Hydroponic cannabis cultivation (cannabis)

Hydroponické pestovanie konope (marihuany) využívajú aj niektorí naši dodávatelia. Česká značka Cannapurna má v Zlíne obrovskú INDOOR pestiareň CBD konope, kde využíva ako zeminu (klasický indoor), tak aj špeciálny roztok (hydro). Hydropónia mu však dokáže poskytnúť podstatne bohatšiu úrodu v podobe CBD kvetov, ktoré sú nadštandardne voňavé, krásne a poriadne husté. A to je presne to, čo zákazníci vyhľadávajú. Kto by chcel suchú, riedku a smradľavú sušinu z konope? Nikto.

What is INDOOR? Indoor growing and its importance

What is INDOOR? It is the English term for the so-called indoor cultivation of plants such as cannabis (marijuana). In practice, this means that the plant is not grown outdoors or in a greenhouse, but in a climate-controlled enclosed space. Therefore, strong, powerful lamps (even LEDs), fast fans and efficient air filtration are essential for indoor cultivation . This allows the grower to produce very high quality plants with a variety of active substances and a great aroma, taste and appearance. However, INDOOR flowers can also be HYDRO flowers - they are grown indoors and do not use soil, but a solution.

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