Články, Články o CBD, Články o CBG, Články o CBN, Novinky, Veda a výskum, Zaujímavosti

Sporting both CBD and THC, experts say


Skvelý pocit po náročnejšej športovej aktivite pozná asi každý, kto si raz za čas zabehá alebo navštívi fitness centrum. Mnohí odborníci si doteraz mysleli, že za takzvanú eufóriu po športe môžu najmä endorfíny – hormóny šťastia, ktoré ľudské telo tvorí okrem iného aj počas športovania. Nový objav výskumníkov, ktorých vedie špičková psychiatrička a vedkyňa, prišiel však na to, že za tento blažený pocit, ktorému možno hovoriť “high“, môžu aj tzv. kanabinoidy. Jednoducho povedané, športovanie vytvára (zvyšuje prirodzenú hladinu) CBD aj THC, ktoré nájdeme ako v chemickej štruktúre kontroverznej rastliny konope (marihuana), tak aj v našom tele. Oblasť, kde sa tieto látky koncentrujú, nesie názov endokanabinoidný systém.

Sporting both CBD and THC in the body

As the head of a team of researchers from Detroit, USA, writes Dr. Hilary A. Marusak on the renowned website The Conversation, their scientific analysis shows that the human body produces not only endorphins during sports activity, but also substances called cannabinoids (phytocannabinoids, endocannabinoids, etc.These are substances such as CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol), CBN (cannabinol), CBC (cannabichromene) and also THC, which is also found in the cannabis plant (or marijuana). Simply put, playing sports produces both CBD and THC and thus increases the natural levels of these substances in the human body.

"The effect called the Runner's high has long been attributed to endorphins. These are chemicals that are naturally produced in the bodies of humans and other animals after exercise, or in response to pain or stress. But new research from my lab sums up nearly two decades of work on the subject. We have found that exercise reliably increases levels of endocannabinoids in the body."

Dr. Hilary A. Marusak

Nearly two decades of research by seasoned scientist Hilary A. Masurak have thus yielded one crucial piece of information that we have suspected (or rather known) for a long time. Namely, that sports activity, or activity at a higher pace, has a very positive effect on our mental health. For example, a psychiatrist from the USA mentions a reduced chance of premature death, including the development of several health complications such as diabetes, cancer or heart-related diseases. Playing sports produces cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, THC, and because of this it can keep our endocannabinoid system in balance.

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