Články, Články o CBG, Novinky, Veda a výskum

New study - CBG has a beneficial effect on the skin


Does CBG also have a beneficial effect on human skin? Only a recently published study (supposedly the first of its kind) suggests that the so-called Cannabigerol may be useful for skin care after all. It is a peer reviewed clinical study that was conducted on 20 healthy subjects at Princeton Consumer Research. These were both women and men who were given a special substance (sodium lauryl sulfate) to mimic the symptoms of contact dermatitis. They were then given a so-called CBG serum with a 0.1% concentration as well as a placebo, so that over time the experts could see whether or not the ambitious Cannabigerol helped them.

"CBG serum demonstrated statistically significant improvement compared to placebo in terms of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and reduction in the incidence of redness. All available information suggests that CBG may be even more effective than CBD when used topically."

part of an abstract from a fresh study that talks about the beneficial effects of CBG on the skin

So-called transepidermal water loss (or TEWL) occurs in various skin complications, such as eczema or dermatitis, and is the passive evaporation of water through the skin. In a study backed by the company Willow Biosciencesfound that CBG can help with both irritated skin (redness) and excessive water evaporation, which can result in dry, painfully chapped skin. The website proactiveinvestors.com likewise notes that Cannabigerol can offer quite effective anti-inflammatory effects or support for barrier functionality, among other things.

CBG has a beneficial effect on the skin

If we were to take the statistical improvement from the study seriously, the CBG substance does indeed offer a beneficial effect on human skin. Whether it is large or small, we do not know at this time. What we do know is that it can reportedly help with a number of skin complications, while it can also serve as a prevention against dryness or redness. Thanks to new data, we have thus learned that cosmetics containing CBG do moisturise and regenerate irritated skin. However, we cannot say at this time what skin problems Kanabigerol is most effective for. We do not know the details of its effectiveness. All we know so far is that it also works for our skin care.

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