Články, Články o CBD, Články o CBG, Články o CBN, Zaujímavosti

Did the oil not work? Try CBG or CBN


Vyskúšali ste CBD olej (kvapky), no nefungoval podľa vašich predstáv? Existuje hneď niekoľko potenciálnych faktorov, ktoré to môžu mať na svedomí. V prvom rade si treba zodpovedať jednu veľmi základnú otázku – čo chcem užívaním účinnej látky CBD z rastliny konope dosiahnuť? Niekto chce zlepšiť kvalitu spánku, iný zase rýchlosť zaspávania. V takom prípade skombinujú CBD CBN. Na podporu psychiky a sústredenia sa pre zmenu kombinuje látka CBD CBG. Existujú však aj takí ľudia, ktorí skúšajú Kanabidiol len tak zo zvedavosti. V takom prípade sa ale môže stať, že CBD olej nebude takmer vôbec fungovať. Prečo?

Could CBD oil not work? Of course

If you are one of those people who have tried CBD oil (drops) just out of curiosity, you may find that you don't feel any of the much-vaunted effects of CBD (Cannabidiol). It's not about any tolerance or anything like that, it's just that your endocannabinoid system seems to be out of balance, which is why CBD oil "didn't work". If you feel great, get perfect sleep, and don't have a problem with social interaction or optimal caloric intake, there's almost no compelling reason to take CBD. Almost because there are some people who take it for immunity support. That is, as a preventative - vitamins or as a nutritional supplement.

However, new findings by scientists and experts also suggest that some active substances from cannabis (CBDA or CBGA) can prevent the so-called coronavirus from creating a disease called COVID 19 through infection of the human body. However, we don't yet know how much effectiveness we're talking about, so it may be that CBD oil won't work too well in this case either.

If CBD doesn't work, try CBG or CBN

If you are one of those who are not too impressed by the effects of CBD oil without CBG or CBN, we recommend you try CBD CBG drops or CBD CBN drops. In the first case, you will come into your own if you lack mental balance, better concentration, better mood or ultimate regeneration of body and mind. If you have chronic pain, can't sleep and find it difficult to fall asleep quickly, you will find yourself in the second case, where the combination of CBD with CBN, which has both mild sedative and analgesic effects, comes into play. The combination of Cannabidiol with a higher concentration of another similar active substance from cannabis will enrich the basic effects of all the cannabinoids present in the product.

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