V portfóliu slovenského e-shopu CBDpredajna.sk nájdete iba starostlivo vyberané CBD produkty, CBG produkty, CBN produkty aj čisto konopné produkty s TOP kvalitou od overených výrobcov, značiek a dodávateľov zo Slovenska, Česka, EÚ alebo USA. Najmä však zo Slovenska a Česka.


CBDnativ (AT)

A seasoned brand CBD native hails from Austria, offering premium Austrian CBD oils with such a high level of quality that very few competitors in the hemp industry can match it. The ingredients in CBD drops from CBD nativ contain only purely natural ingredients, making them organic products.

Orange County CBD
Orange County CBD


Orange County CBD is one of the most sought-after European brands in the cannabis industry, offering value-priced hemp products. This time, however, we will be talking about liquid vape refills that not only have premium content. Orange County CBD liquid is one of the highest quality products in its category, which is one of the reasons why it is so popular.


eighty8 (CZ)

Vapes, drops, dabs, hashish and premium weed. The sought-after Czech brand eighty8 thinks about every single detail, which is why it has a portfolio that you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere. However, eighty8' s offer is not only varied and interesting, but also premium, creating a combination that will enchant many a cannabis aficionado.

chill bar
chill bar


Brand CHILL BAR comes from Germany, where it was founded by three cannabis and vaping lovers who have known each other since childhood. To produce products called chillbar CBD pen after discovering that there was currently no disposable e-cigarette on the European consumer market that met their requirements.

cbd drops


Slovak VIA BOTANICA develops and produces high-quality products with a high content of cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. It is one of Europe's leading CBD brands, boasting, among other things, CBD oil certified directly from the European Union. The manufacturer also offers vape pen products, which are essentially e-cigarettes with high-quality hemp distillate.

Czech CBD producer Cannapurna
Czech CBD producer Cannapurna

Cannapurna (CZ)

Obľúbená česká značka Cannapurna prináša na spotrebiteľský trh špičkové CBD, CBG a aj CBN produkty z rastliny konope. Nejde pritom iba o oleje alebo kvapky, ale aj o prvotriedne CBD kvety. Konope je pestovaná v susednom Česku, a to INDOOR aj OUTDOOR spôsobom. Značka potom zo sušiny vyrába svoje vlastné konopné kvapky.

Happease CBD
Happease CBD

Happease (EU)

Happease can be described as one of the best European CBD brands. This is due to both the premium CBD products with TOP quality and the several prestigious awards this manufacturer has won, including winning the prestigious World CBD Awards Barcelona 2019. If you're looking for high-quality hemp products with CBD or CBG, you've come to the right place. The products from this manufacturer have almost no fault.

Czech CBD brand TOKE
Czech CBD brand TOKE


Modern brand TOKE comes from the Czech Republic, where it was founded by people who are very close to the liberal political party PIRATES. They offer both uniquely blended CBD drops as well as uniquely blended CBD vape refills including vaporizer pens. The composition of hemp drops includes a variety of herbs. 

Slovak brand CurePoint - supplier of CBD, CBG and CBN products
Slovak CBD brand CurePoint

CurePoint (SK)

CurePoint is a young but dynamically growing Slovak brand that produces a variety of CBD products with a very high quality standard. And it's made right in Switzerland. The portfolio in this case includes full spectrum or even broad spectrum drops with Cannabidiol.

Supplier Greentica

Greentica (CZ)

Brand Greentica represents a top Czech manufacturer of CBD and CBG products with very high quality. The offer includes full spectrum CBD or CBG oil without dyes and preservatives. These are 100% organic and vegan products made from technical hemp grown under supervision in Slovakia.