Greentica CBD kvapky až 40 % STRONG SHIELD
Greentica CBD kvapky 40 % STRONG SHIELD 10ml Original price was: 139,00 €.Current price is: 53,90 €.
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Cannilav CBD krém s chladivým efektom 50g Original price was: 20,00 €.Current price is: 13,90 €.

Zkittlez HHC cartridge CaliFarms 1ml

This product has been discontinued due to a change in Slovak legislation.

Jedinečne vyzerajúca Zkittlez HHC cartridge (1ml – 1000mg) od českej kanabis značky CaliFarms, ktorá obsahuje prémiový konopný destilát zo slnečnej Kalifornie. Terpénový profil nesie názov ikonického strainu Zkittlez. Bez THC.

Catalogue number: CF-CA-007

Delivery office - collection point

3,59 €

Delivery service - delivery to the address

4,79 €

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Product description

Jedinečne vyzerajúca Zkittlez HHC cartridge (1ml – 1000mg) od českej kanabis značky CaliFarms, ktorá obsahuje prémiový konopný destilát zo slnečnej Kalifornie. Terpénový profil nesie názov ikonického strainu Zkittlez. Bez THC. Vyrobené a testované v Spojených štátoch amerických.

HHC is not THC, but it can have similar effects, although not as strong. The information given here is for general information only, obtained from publicly available sources.

*This product requires verification of age of majority. You will be asked to verify your age before completing your order. More info HERE.

This product is for collector's purposes only. It is not for consumption or smoking. No sale to persons under 18 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. If the product packaging is damaged, the seller is not responsible for the contents of the package.

Product details




1 ml




Standard 510

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