First Class hemp HHC hashish eighty8 With up to 50 percent cadence, which in this case is complemented by 15 percent CBD, this is a 1 gram pack from the Czech renowned brand eighty8. HHC hash offers a full spectrum of cannabinoids, including exemplary consistency. A unique product for the avid collector or researcher.
We use a highly efficient 99.6% HHC distillate with an active isomer of 9R 68.2%. We wanted to create for you something that has no competitor on the Czech market. And we succeeded!
*This product requires verification of age of majority. You will be asked to verify your age before completing your order. More info HERE.
Tento produkt je určený len na zberateľské účely a nie je určený na konzumáciu ani na fajčenie. Zákaz predaja osobám mladším ako 18 rokov. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Ak je obal produktu porušený, predávajúci nezodpovedá za obsah balenia.