Cherries CBD edibles Orange County 1200mg 20pcs 150g

Premium and sour-fruit hemp candies Cherries CBD edibles Orange Countywhich contain up to 1200 mg of the main active ingredient from hemp. The gummies weigh up to 150 grams, with one small pack (Small Tube) containing 20 pieces - cherries.

Katalógové číslo: OC-ED-001

Zásielkovňa - odberné miesto

3,59 €

Zásielkovňa - doručenie na adresu

4,79 €


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13 ľudí si práve pozerá tento produkt.

Popis produktu

Premium and sour-fruit hemp candies (jelly) Cherries CBD edibles Orange Countywhich contain up to 1200 mg of the main active ingredient from hemp. The weight of the gummies from the popular Orange County CBD brand reaches 150 grams, with one small pack (Small Tube) containing 20 pieces - cherries. One delicious gummy offers up to 60 mg of CBD, including a broad spectrum of cannabinoids for a noticeable side effect. No THC.

CBD gummy cherries have found their place in the hearts of many of our customers. We think it's because they are the right blend of sour and fruity.

Ingredients: glucose syrup, sugar, invert sugar syrup, citric acid, malic acid, pectin, sorbitol, fruit juice concentrate, apple, trisodium citrate, cherry, black carrot concentrate, spirulina concentrate, curcumin, broad spectrum CBD

Uchovávať mimo dosahu detí. Produkt je doplnok stravy a nie je určený na diagnostiku, liečenie alebo prevenciu choroby.

Detaily produktu


Orange County CBD


150 g

Obsah CBD

1 200 mg

Obsah THC

0 %



Number of

20 ks

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