Full spectrum kvapky Cannapurna CBD + CBG 20% (10 % + 10 %) na ukľudnenie. Vysoko-kvalitný CBD + CBG olej ponúka v 10 ml obsahu 1 000 mg CBD + 1 000 mg CBG aj plné spektrum kanabinoidov v stopovom množstve. Produkt obsahuje organický MCT olej. Kvapky vznikajú z CO2 extraktu priamo od výrobcu. Na výrobu extraktu sa používajú prvotriedne konopné CBD šišky z INDOOR pestiarne Cannapurna.
"We grow 100% organic cannabis and then extract oils and cannabidiols from it that can support both the mental and physical well-being of humans and animals. Our entire team has experience in its use. In fact, all products undergo not only laboratory testing, but also our personal testing."
Originálny názov: Cannapurna 10% CBD + 10% CBG Full spectrum olej
Keep out of reach of children. The product is a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease.